Feb 27, 2009



Feb 25, 2009


1、 大小便时咬紧牙关。
2、 每晚临睡前喝一杯牛奶,力争在11时前就寝。
3、 每晚临睡前在卫生间用较烫的水冲脚底、肚脐眼,同时用毛巾护住睾丸私处(以皮肤能承受为限);用不太热的水冲洗私处和肛门,同时咬牙收腹提肛10次。
4、 每晚临睡前到一大杯开水冷却备用,早起时清水漱口;喝1升温开水;(夏天可喝凉开水)放较烫的水洗脸,用烫毛巾上下快速摩擦左右耳廓各10次,同时叩齿;用烫毛巾敷面1分钟后,迅速用凉水洗脸。早餐后刷牙。
5、 散步的同时上下左右转动眼球,同时可伴握力器或健身球手部运动。
6、 身边有座机时,不用手机打电话。
7、 根据自身的实际,建议每晚临睡前10点半左右定时大便,然后执行第三条。
8、 看电视时,可左右手相互摩擦若干次,掌心发热后放在耳朵上,重复三五遍。
9、 就餐吃大荤后,吃1粒核桃,吃一角萝卜。
10、 每天早餐吃几片生姜,中午12点后绝不吃生姜。


GG H1: Glue Grant H1
A new human transcriptome array for clinical research designed by Stanford University and Affymetrix.

"This array enables comprehensive examination of multiple mechanisms human cells use to regulate transcriptome in response to diseases including improved analysis of gene expression with completely updated gene annotations and carefully redesigned probes, genome-wide quantitation of gene isoforms and identification of alternative splicing, coding and UTR SNP detection and allele specific expression analysis, examination of non-coding transcription and antisense expression, and the analyses of small RNAs.

Two significant features:
Software for gene and alternative splicing analysis (JETTA) and visualization
Using exon and junction probes in alternative splicing and isoform analysis
Study of unannotated transcribed units

JETTA is improved and integrative software of some algorithms developed by Wong group for exon array. But it should have more function to deal with non-exon probes, for example junction probes etc. I expect a version of JETTA for Linux in the future.

Anyway, I should admit that GG H1 is a powerful tool to investigate the transcriptome systematically. I just wonder if the hybridization for all of the probes on different regions is uniform. I think the SNPs are detected in DNA level, while splicing and miRNA in the RNA level. How can GG H1 identify all these genotypes in a single array? Anyway,comparing with tilling array, what is the advantage of GG H1? Is it worthy to develop an entirely new product with the existence of exon array and tilling array?


The reader

Kindle 2, a very cool reader.
It can store 1,500 books; it can go for up to two weeks without a battery recharge; it has a crisper screen.

Feb 19, 2009

One must understand simple methods before trying to grasp more complex ones.

One must understand simple methods before trying to grasp more complex ones.

Feb 15, 2009

Be even!

Taste the feeling.

Feb 13, 2009


健康产业包括哪些范畴?体检、健身、保健、疾病预防.... 都很有意思,以后注意积累学习。刚才看到一个提肛和辟谷术,一般人看了第一反应是“真TM扯蛋”,另一类觉得“真TM好玩”,第三类在想“会不会是真的啊?”。还有第四类人,就是我,但是我不告诉你们我在想什么。

又顺便扯一下另一个不相干的社会问题,现在的年轻人对中国文化的态度真的太漠然,对社会和政治真的太漠然。“大史纪”里面有一句经典的话:“谁TM给的钱多,我就给谁干”。那些颓废堕落的就不提了,剩下的用全副西方思想和技术武装的一些自我感觉良好的正太们也稍显肤浅。对Microsoft和Google崇拜得跟亲爹妈一样,自以为懂了会用了他们的一些产品,觉得很时尚,很power。真该让老江来好好教育教育:“naive,too naive!”现在中国文化变成了非主流,就像SM一样的地位,尴尬不?





我庆幸我快30岁时重新找到了生活的真谛,那是我17,18岁时曾经很接近过,但是被现实所剥离的东西。但是我又发现自己还是不成熟,不禁感叹十年前看过的一部电影里的一句歌词“How many roads must a man walk down?”。How many?

Feb 8, 2009

Some bioinformatics ID converters

They are very useful!


Feb 2, 2009

I see the great power of life!

We all left office for a two weeks holiday of the Spring Festival. An ornamental was put close to the central heating and no water. When I was back to office, its leaves are perishing. What it is pity!
I water it immediately and hope it can survive. My feeling is blue for it.
But just two days, it is aglow with health. The power of life is great! We should understand this truth.